Saddle Up for Adventure with Wild West Cigar Club:
1. The Maverick (Standard Tier):
- Monthly Shipment: Receive a curated selection of 4-5 premium cigars delivered straight to your doorstep each month.
- Cigar Exploration: Discover a variety of blends and brands, expanding your palate and cigar knowledge.
- Marshal's Choice: Selections are hand-picked by industry veterans, ensuring high-quality smokes.
- Price: $35 per month + S/H
2. The Gilded Spur (Premium Tier):
- Monthly Shipment: Receive a curated selection of 6-8 premium cigars, including limited-edition and hard-to-find blends, delivered monthly.
- Exclusive Access: Unlock a treasure trove of rare cigars unavailable to standard tier members.
- Marshal's Masterpiece: Each month, receive a bonus "Marshal's Masterpiece" - a single, top-shelf, hand-selected cigar for a truly exclusive experience.
- Price: $70 per month
Expand your palate and explore a world of premium cigars you might have missed. Each month, we deliver a curated selection, introducing you to exciting new blends. Wild West Cigar Club brings the finest smokes straight to your doorstep. It's convenience at its finest. Our selections are hand-picked by industry veterans with an unmatched passion for cigars. Expect top quality and a truly unique smoking experience every month. Unlock a treasure trove of exclusive, limited-edition cigars!
You will be charged monthly on the day you sign up.